Cottoned - Die 5 wichtigsten Regeln für die Inneneinrichtung

Interior design like any other art is about sensitivity, creative inspiration, and freedom of expression which would suggest that it’s not subjectable to rules. On the other hand, taking it from a more practical view it’s also a science about aesthetics that you can use in your favor to create a truly comfortable and harmonious place to live in. We decided to take upon this approach, dig into the knowledge, and offer you a few easy interior design rules to follow, so you make sure your home is welcoming.

Focus on the Idea of the Right Energy

People rarely remember a specific piece of furniture in a room, but they do remember how they felt spending time in the space. This means that once you start decorating a room you should first ask yourself how you want to feel in it. If you are looking for a peaceful and comforting state of mind, you should consider darker colors and layered textures. If you seek a rather uplifted mood, then choose lighter colors and rounder shapes.

Cottoned - Die 5 wichtigsten Regeln für die Inneneinrichtung

Creating a room where people like to be sitting for hours would make you a true happiness provider. And this you can achieve by letting the energy of a furniture piece come first. When you think about whether to add it or not, think of the energy it would bring to the room. It’s not always about fitting in style but fitting emotionally.

This next interior design rule may also help you make the right decision when you wonder if a furniture piece fits the room well.

The 70/30 Split

Country chic, contemporary, industrial, vintage – whatever style you want to decorate the room in, you may want to dedicate 70% of the space to this particular style and stay true to it. The other 30% is your opportunity to have a room that is visually interesting – where you pick up a different style or experiment with a couple of styles, accentuate with art, and find various ways to highlight your true self.

The 70/30 split rule allows you to be bold and add in everything you love without risking it looking unstylish. Count on 70% as a stable base of harmony and recognition of the space, then go for the other 30% and hold no boundaries. Inspired by a travel destination, specific texture, bold color, or even the home of a celebrity – you are now free to experiment with your ideas within the 30% limit.

Cottoned - Top 5 Interior Design Rules to Follow (2)

Layer the Light

Lightening is a key element that you can elevate the mood of a room with. It is also an easy way to fail the whole interior, thus there are many design rules that apply.

One piece of advice designers unite around is: Be sure you have light coming from multiple sources – if your room has only one type of lighting, such as a single pendant lamp or chandelier, it may feel two-dimensional. There are many different options you can add – floor lamps, sconces, or a small table lamp to create a subtle glow.

Larger spaces often require light overhead but in smaller rooms what’s important is to illuminate particular features and activity spots, so you can make these rooms warm and inviting with just a few floor and table lamps. When light is layered and integrated seamlessly into a space it brings great comfort and coziness.

Use Colors That Make Your Heart Sing

It’s a known fact that the colors of a room predispose emotions and influence moods. Think of a color or color palette that you are drawn to and create a recreational corner with it. Let the color you love become a part of your home even if it seems absurd. Purple, yellow or green – it doesn’t matter if it makes you feel good, go for it. Create a cushy space where you can sit and read, using a color that makes you feel relaxed and allows you to daydream. After all, this is your home and you should feel nourished in it.

Cottoned - Top 5 Interior Design Rules to Follow (3)
Cottoned - Top 5 Interior Design Rules to Follow (4)

You could go big and paint a whole wall in purple or you could just cover a chair in a colorful throw, placed next to a vivid green plant. Playing with these hues will give you an interior design that uplifts you.

Place Seating in a Semi-circle

Place furniture in a way that invites people to communicate. Choose a semi-circle positioning instead of angling all seats at the living room TV, making the room a sociable and lively place where your family or guests can connect.

Good interior is about encouraging good living – one that is not spent in front of a screen all the time but provokes conversation and fun.

Cottoned - Top 5 Interior Design Rules to Follow (5)

Discover the Power of Symmetry

Symmetry is a design principle that can bring harmony and balance to any space. Whether you’re arranging furniture or selecting decorative elements, strive for symmetrical arrangements that create a sense of order and elegance. A pair of identical chairs flanking a coffee table, or matching artwork on either side of a fireplace, can instantly elevate the aesthetic appeal of a room. Embrace the beauty of symmetry and let it guide your design choices.

Unleash the Magic of Texture

Texture adds depth and interest to your interior design, captivating both the eye and the touch. Embrace a variety of textures in your space to create a sensory experience that is both visually and tactilely appealing. Mix smooth surfaces with rough ones, incorporate plush fabrics alongside sleek materials, and experiment with different finishes. From a cozy knitted blanket to a sleek marble countertop, each texture contributes to the overall richness and warmth of your design.

Embrace Negative Space

Sometimes, less is more. Embracing negative space, also known as empty or white space, can be a powerful design choice. Don’t be afraid to leave areas of your room intentionally empty to create a sense of balance and visual breathing room. Negative space allows the eye to rest and appreciate the focal points of your design. Whether it’s a minimalist corner with a single chair or an unadorned wall that provides a sense of calm, incorporating negative space can enhance the overall aesthetics and create a serene atmosphere.

Incorporate Nature’s Beauty

Bringing elements of nature into your design not only adds visual appeal but also fosters a connection with the natural world. Integrate plants, flowers, and natural materials such as wood and stone to infuse your space with a sense of tranquility and vitality. A lush green plant in a corner, a wooden coffee table, or a stone accent wall can instantly breathe life into any room. Let nature inspire your design choices and create a serene and rejuvenating environment.

Emphasize Personal Expression

Your home should be a reflection of your unique personality and taste. Don’t be afraid to infuse your design with personal touches and meaningful objects that tell your story. Display cherished mementos, artwork created by loved ones, or items collected during your travels. By incorporating elements that resonate with you, you create an interior that is not only visually pleasing but also emotionally fulfilling. Let your design be a celebration of your individuality and create a space that truly feels like home.


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