Enjoying the beauty of Spring from the comfort of your own home is a dream come true. And there’s nothing better than doing so from a cozy corner outside. Be it for a bench, a patio swing, a lounge chair, or a garden sofa, outdoor tyynyt are the addition you need in order to make the best out of your time in the fresh air.
Meidän tufted cotton-filled cushions serve just as great outside as they do inside since they bring the necessary splash of color to your comfy natural corner. Fully customizable in consideration with your preferences for shape, size, design and fabric – the cushions are going to give your body the comfort and support it needs. But just like everything else in the garden, outdoor cushions also require maintenance and care. Here are a few tips to follow that will help you to enjoy them for as long as possible.
Keep The Rain Away
While being an extremely breathable natural material, organic cotton fibers are very absorbent. That’s why it’s crucial to keep the cushion as far as possible from any water and protect it from the rain. If by any chance you ended up in a situation where the cushion did get wet, don’t panic! There are a couple of ways to deal with it.
If the cushion got slightly wet and you feel that it’s mostly on the surface – place it in the sunlight to dry naturally or dry it with a hairdryer. Keep in mind that regular exposure to direct sunlight is also not recommended since the vibrant colors of our textiles can slightly fade away. That’s why using the hairdryer for a small wet spot is much more preferable.
If, however, you find yourself in the middle of a more extreme situation and the cushion got completely wet both on the inside and the outside – take out all of the cotton filling and spread it nicely under the sunlight so it can dry evenly.
Keep The Dust Off
Another tip for keeping the outdoor cushions looking just as new is to dry brush them as often as possible. The outer air might carry some dust particles that we can’t see so easily, however, they do “stack” on top of the surface of the cushion with time. A nice, soft brush, that you can use to remove any dust or smaller particles, becomes your friend in need.
Cleaning your outdoor cushions with such a brush or even vacuuming it is also important to happen before you decide to store them for longer periods. Keeping the cushions clean while they are patiently waiting in the cupboard for their appearance in the next warm season can definitely help with prolonging their life.
Keep The Surface Stainless
Having a cozy corner with some outdoor cushions is the best way to enjoy the spring weather indeed. However, we can’t avoid the fact that dealing with a certain type of stains might be happening every now and then. The garden environment is sometimes responsible for a potential staining of our beloved cushion. It’s important we know how to treat unwanted spots in an easy and quick way.
Grass, for instance, can cause a very persistent stain unless you treat it promptly. Mix together 3 tablespoons baking soda, 1 cup of water, and ½ cup of white vinegar. Add to the mixture a little bit of dish soap. Use a soft brush or a toothbrush to add a layer of the mixture on the spot and scrub it gently. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Afterward, carefully use a washcloth with cold water to dab the soda mix and clean what is left from it. Leave it in the sun to dry completely.
Sunscreen lotions and bug repellents, on the other hand, are most of the time oil-based. Remember that everything containing oil can be treated with a dry ingredient that can help with literally soaking the oils in. Such dry ingredients are baking soda, salt, or even cornstarch. In case of an oil emergency on your outdoor cushion, cover the stain with one of those 3 ingredients mentioned above. After that, scrape the layer with a piece of cardboard and, if necessary, repeat the steps again.
Taking care of our outdoor cushions can be an easy task if we learn how to do it right. The main and most important points are to keep them as dry as possible and place them in the shade as much your exterior allows it, so you can enjoy the great quality of our cushions longer. Now that we have these care tips covered – it’s time for a glass of freshly squeezed lemonade in the company of the singing birds outside.
P.S. Make sure to use sunscreen even if you are sitting in the shade just like our cushions 😉.
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Tee kannanotto istuintyynyllä, joka kuvastaa yksilöllisyyttäsi. Räätälöityjä kanssa korkealaatuiset, kestävät materiaalit ja Puhtain orgaaninen puuvillatäyte sisällä, meidän tyynyt ovat hypoallergeeninen, erittäin hengittävä, ympäristöystävällinenja myrkytön.
Ikkunan istuintyyny, aamiainen tai ruokailutilan tyyny, penkkityyny, tai lattiatyyny - voit nyt luoda mukavimman paikan asuintilaasi.
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