It is the pure cotton filling that makes our products so special. Our colorful Cottoned creations reach out to those of you with a craving for natural fibers and sparkling design in their homes as well as for a healthy and mindful environment.
All our designs can be customized to suit your space and our team loves exploring new options so that we can create something unique for you.
From baby crib mattresses to co-sleeper cushions and nursing pillows, from headboard cushions to day bed mattresses and seating cushions, there is nothing we cannot create for you: pretty much any color, size, and shape.
The cotton filling gives us the freedom to explore shapes and design ideas and the fact that our creations are all made to order gives you the freedom to challenge us with your next home project. In terms of shape, we could pretty much do anything. In terms of thickness, due to the specific fibers of the cotton, we can go as high as 4’’. But hey, who needs more? Or if you do, we can always find a solution, just drop us a line. 😉
The purest organic cotton: from the cotton fields to your home
We are collecting the purest natural GOTS certified organic cotton and a wide variety of fabrics and colors to combine it all and handcraft our items in Bulgaria into the décor pieces and bedding for your cozy home.
We carefully choose our cotton to be unbleached, free of chemicals, dyes, finishes, polymers, and toxins so that it is perfectly safe for babies, kids, and people with allergies and high sensitivity to chemicals.
Cotton vs Foam
Cotton is a natural fiber and it is environmentally sustainable and biodegradable. While foam will most probably end up in the landfill, where it will stay for ages, natural cotton will last forever and at the end of its cycle, it will quickly and easily biodegrade.
Cotton is also a healthier option for your home. Our filling doesn’t contain any chemicals and will not off-gas any toxic volatile organic compounds. It is naturally hypoallergenic, and thus, perfect for babies, for people with multiple chemical sensitivities, and of course for everybody cherishes comfort!
Bonus – it is one of the most breathable materials available.
Foam is an inexpensive alternative but will not be a good choice for both your health and for the planet. As any petroleum-based product foam is more or less toxic for your home and for the environment. In terms of comfort: a foam cushion will make you all soaked in sweat and sticky in the summer months.
Taking care of your cotton filled piece
Cotton filled items are subject to natural compression. Knowing this, we stuff our cushions with cotton generously so that they come to you thicker than expected. With time and use, they will compress and come to the advertised thickness.
In order to compress evenly, you will have to sit on all parts of your cushion. For sitting cushions and daybed mattresses, it is also recommended to rotate it head to toe, and up and down once a week for the first 3 months.
Cotton-filled items are perfect for outdoor use. So yes, you can turn your porch area into a cozy corner! Have in mind, however, that your cotton filled items will need to be protected from direct rain and water. Water will soak the filling and make it lumpy. Direct sunlight might fade the color of the cover. A covered porch should be more than fine, however, and random splashes of water are ok.
It is all about a comfy home and we’ve got you covered
Healthy for you and for the environment, our cottoned filled handmade pieces will make your home cozy and toxic-free. The variety of fabrics we offer will add a personal touch to your favorite corner and make your home sparkle with joy!
Jetzt einkaufen
Ausführung wählen Dieses Produkt weist mehrere Varianten auf. Die Optionen können auf der Produktseite gewählt werdenUS$3 - US$675
100% Bio-Baumwolle, ungebleicht, chlorfrei / GOTS zertifiziert
Wir wählen unsere Baumwolle sorgfältig aus und sie ist so rein wie möglich, ohne Chemikalien, Farbstoffe, Polymere oder Giftstoffe und sollte für Menschen mit Multipler Chemischer Sensibilität (MCS) oder Allergien geeignet sein.
Ideal zum Füllen von Kissen, Matratzen, Puppen usw.
Herstellungszeit: 1-3 Tage
Versandzeit: 1-4 Wochen
Senden Sie uns eine Nachricht, um einen Expressversand anzufordern.Ausführung wählen Dieses Produkt weist mehrere Varianten auf. Die Optionen können auf der Produktseite gewählt werden -
Preise ab $207
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Setzen Sie ein Zeichen mit einem Sitzkissen, das Ihre Individualität widerspiegelt. Sonderanfertigung mit hochwertige, langlebige Materialien und die reinste Bio-Baumwollfüllung innen sind unsere Kissen hypoallergen, extrem atmungsaktiv, umweltfreundlichund giftfrei.
Fenstersitzkissen, Frühstück oder Essecke Kissen, Sitzkissen, oder Bodenkissen - können Sie jetzt den gemütlichsten Platz in Ihrem Wohnraum schaffen.
Wählen Sie aus einer breite Palette von Stoffen, Farben, Größen, Formen, Verrohrung, und Tufting-Optionen um ein Sitzkissen zu kreieren, das zu Ihrem Lounge-Bereich passt und bereit ist, sich Ihrem Raum anzupassen.
- 100% Bio-Baumwolle Füllung innen.
- Maßgeschneidert an Ihre Vorlieben anpassen.
- Abnehmbarer Deckel für eine einfache Wartung.
- Natürliche Alternative zu Schaumstoffkissen.
- Grenze Exposition gegenüber gefährliche VOCs bei Ihnen zu Hause.
- Kostenloses Flickzeug enthalten.
- Alle Steuern und Aufgaben sind inklusive.
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- Reißverschluss auf der Rückseite des Umschlags.
- Flaches Design, keine sichtbaren Büschel.
- Waschbarer Außenbezug mit getuftetem Einsatz aus 100% Organic Cotton.
- Einsatz mit Reißverschlüssen an den beiden langen Seiten, um die Füllung bei Bedarf leicht anpassen zu können.
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