Vælg mellem en bred vifte af stoffer, farver, størrelser og overflader for at skabe de puder, der passer til dit møbeldesign.
Fremstillet af Holdbare materialer af høj kvalitet og det reneste bomuldsfyldde er Allergivenlig, ekstremt åndbar, miljøvenligog giftfri.
- 100% økologisk bomuld fyld indeni.
- Fremstillet på bestilling så det passer til dine præferencer.
- Naturligt alternativ til skum og syntetiske stoffer.
- Grænse eksponering for farlige VOC'er i dit hjem.
- Alle Skatter og pligter er inkluderet.
- Indlæg i 100% økologisk bomuld (letvægt).
- Aftageligt, vaskbart betræk.
- Lynlås, så du nemt kan justere, tilføje eller fjerne fyld efter behov.
apett918 (verificeret ejer) –
Absolutely incredible!!! We are so in love with how this turned out!! It is such a high-quality cushion – the construction/stitching is perfect, the fabric is beautiful, and it’s filled just the right amount so it’s comfortable, but it also weighs enough to not shift around on our bench. Our dogs (Husky mix + Rottweiler mix) are constantly jumping on and off it and it barely moves half an inch! And they’re not small dogs!! Ivan & Mina were so, so helpful throughout the ordering process. I can’t say enough good things about the whole experience! We’re thrilled and I’m sure you will be, too, if you decide to order 🙂
Angelo (verificeret ejer) –
Kelly Jackson (verificeret ejer) –
Exceeded my expectations. The exact size I ordered, lovely vibrant colors. Firm and comfortable pillow.
Andrew Lachawoski (verificeret ejer) –
The colors are rich and craftmanship is amazing.I have 5 such pillows in my livingroom and people are always commenting on their awesome quality and design