There’s nothing cozier than a beautiful home that ages well. Especially when you’ve poured so much energy, love, and finances into creating it. Furniture pieces and different kinds of home textiles are some of the most expensive pieces at home. Taking care of these so that you don’t have to replace them in the foreseeable future is a must. The bonus is that the less you throw out and replace, the kinder you are to the planet.
Proper cleaning and care will maintain and enliven the appearance of your furniture and home decor items. We’ve collected 6 basic care tips that will extend their lifespan and therefore minimize your impact on the environment.
Home textiles care tip #1: BET on High-Quality home decor items
Betting on high-quality items will save you so much money and time in the long run. So next time you need to buy a home decor item or any furniture piece for your home, go high. Pick something long-lasting and of high quality so that you don’t have to replace it after only several months of use. High quality is definitely the more sustainable choice.
Home textiles care tip #2: Be careful with food and drinks
Don’t just grab a plate and sit on the sofa. Crumbles and spills will surely damage your sitteputer. Having breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the dining table is the best you can do.
Home textiles care tip #3: Clean your home decor items and textiles according to the instructions they came with
“Spot clean only” literally means spot clean only. Low-temperature washing means exactly low-temperature washing. Do not experiment or else you will need new home textiles sooner than expected.
If you have young kids or pets it’s always better to get home decor items like sitteputer, throw pillows, eller bolster pillows with removable machine washable covers.
You can, however, clean non-machine washable items as well. Spot cleaning with the appropriate detergents and vacuuming could really help to keep your cushions, sofas, and any type of home decor items in good shape.
Don’t forget to test the spot-clean detergent on the fabric before applying it. Depending on the fabric there are different detergent options you can get and many DIY recipes featuring soda, vinegar, and different essential oils, but no matter what you decide to use don’t forget to always test it so that you are sure it will not destroy your furniture piece.
Use your vacuum cleaner regularly to refresh your seat cushions and sofas. Always remember to put the upholstery brush attachment on.
Act quickly when a spill happens. Your best scenario would be to quickly blot the spilled liquids so that they don’t soak into the filling. Use white paper towels or white cloths to blot it. Don’t use colored paper napkins since they might color the home decor item you’re trying to clean as well.
Home textiles care tip #4: Keep the pets away from your furniture
We know that your pets are so dear to you that you wouldn’t want to put any boundaries in terms of their comfort, but trust us, if you want your furniture and home decor items alive and kicking for years to come you should keep the pets away from them. Instead, you can always make them happier with a pet bed created especially for them. A pet bed they will cherish and most probably prefer over your bed, sitteputer, chairs, og sofa.
Home textiles care tip #5: Air out your furniture and home decor items
Once in while take them outside on the balcony so that the wind could go through them and air them out, removing any odors. Sunbathing will also help and reduce any bacteria and dust mites accumulated in them but be careful with colors and dyed fabrics. A little sunlight wouldn’t harm but leaving them in direct sunlight for longer periods could cause some colors to fade.
Home textiles care tip #6: Mend and repair
This is probably the most important care tip of all. Anything could be repaired, so just look online how to fix it and we’re sure you’ll find a solution in a matter of minutes. Moreover, most of the home decor items, just like our Cottoned sitteputer, come with a little cute mending kit featuring extra buttons and thread that can help you do miracles and extend the life of your belongings.
Taking care of your furniture and home decor items will not only save you tons of money but will also minimize your impact on the environment. It’s a win-win and the above basic care tips will surely help you do your part.
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Enten du slapper av i sofaen, leser i sengen eller praktiserer yoga, tilbyr vår bolsterpute den perfekte blandingen av komfort og funksjonalitet for alle dine ritualer.
Skreddersydd med holdbare materialer av høy kvalitet og fyll av reneste økologiske bomull innvendig er bolstrene våre allergivennlig, ekstremt pustende, miljøvennlig, og giftfri.
Velg mellom en bredt utvalg av stoffer og farger for å skape en pute som komplimenterer ditt loungeområde og gjenspeiler din unike smak. Klar til å passe til ditt rom, på din måte.
- 100% økologisk bomull fylling på innsiden.
- Laget på bestilling for å passe dine preferanser.
- Naturlig alternativ til skumputer.
- Begrensning eksponering for farlige VOC-er i hjemmet ditt.
- Alle skatter og avgifter og plikter er inkludert.
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- Innlegg i 100% Økologisk bomull (lettvekt).
- Avtakbart, vaskbart trekk.
- Glidelås for å enkelt justere, legge til eller fjerne fyll ved behov.
Priser fra $203
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Skap et komfortabelt og sunt miljø for din pelskledde venn å trives i med denne runde kjæledyrsengen med bomullsfyll. Laget av holdbare materialer av høy kvalitet, og den reneste bomullsfyllingen, vår senger for kjæledyr er allergivennlig, ekstremt pustende, miljøvennlig, og giftfri.
- 100% økologisk bomull fylling på innsiden.
- Laget på bestilling for å passe dine preferanser.
- Naturlig alternativ til skumsenger for kjæledyr.
- Avtakbart og vaskbart trekk.
- Begrensning eksponering for farlige VOC-er i hjemmet ditt.
- Gratis mavslutningssett inkludert.
- Alle skatter og avgifter og plikter er inkludert.
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- Glidelås på innsiden av brettet i hele lengden.
- Innlegget er laget av 100% økologisk bomull (lettvekt).
- Avtakbart, vaskbart yttertrekk på både brett og pute.
- Designalternativ 1 - Flat topplate
- Designalternativ 2 - Rund toppplate
Velg alternativ Dette produktet har flere varianter. Alternativene kan velges på produktsidenUS$594 - US$1,206
En ekstra sitteplasser, a fotstøtteeller til og med en provisorisk bord. Våre skreddersydde ottomaner med bomullsfylling gjør jobben. Deres evne til å tilpasse seg ulike roller gjør dem til et must-have i ethvert hjem.
Fremstilt av holdbare materialer av høy kvalitet og den reneste bomullsfyllingener de allergivennlig, ekstremt pustende, miljøvennlig, og giftfri.
Velg mellom en bredt utvalg av stoffer, fargerDu kan velge mellom ulike størrelser, former og overflater for å skape en ottoman som passer inn i ditt hjem og gjenspeiler din unike smak.
- 100% økologisk bomull fylling på innsiden.
- Laget på bestilling for å passe dine preferanser.
- Naturlig alternativ til skumputer.
- Begrensning eksponering for farlige VOC-er i hjemmet ditt.
- Avtakbart deksel for enkelt vedlikehold.
- Alle skatter og avgifter og plikter er inkludert.
STØRRELSE: 27,5 x 27,5 x 12″ (70 x 70 x 30 cm.)
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Velg alternativ Dette produktet har flere varianter. Alternativene kan velges på produktsiden
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