Already into home upgrading, swapping old home-décor items for new ones, and wondering what to do with your old foam cushions?

Although you are now ready to switch to all-natural materials for your home and make it healthier and more comfortable, you don’t want the old foam pieces to end up in the landfill, do you? Great!

Foam and polyurethane cushions will add up a lot of waste and will stay there for ages. Thаt is why it’s always a better idea to try to recycle them or if that is not a possibility, to give them away to somebody who needs them. In terms of recycling, it might be tough to find a suitable facility close to you, but the best option would be to search for mattress or foam recyclers.

If all other options fail and you still have foam cushions at home, here are 5 crafty ideas that will help you upcycle them.

1. Turn your old cushions into gardening knee pads.

Gardening is booming as a hobby and believe it or not many of your friends and neighbours might be into it. So why not even prepare gifts for some of them. Who would not like a good handmade kneeling cushion that will make gardening a lot easier and more comfortable? So cut your cushions into pieces, do some upholstering with beautiful fabrics, and there you have it – a bunch of cute gardening kneeling pads.

2. Turn your foam cushions into outdoor seating.

Your deck, backyard, patio, or balcony certainly need some comfy seating as well. You can always reupholster the cushions you already own with some new weather-resistant fabric and enjoy the afternoon sun on the balcony.

3. Old foam cushions can turn into great floor seating.

Need more floor seating? You can easily stack your foam pieces, reupholster them, and turn them into beautiful ottomans, floor cushions, or even side tables.

4. Turn your cushion into a pet bed.

Your pet would love a new and comfy pet bed. So why not use the foam and turn it into the perfect pet bed instead of buying a new one? If you have more than your pet needs and would like to take this idea a level up, you can always make more pet beds and look for local animal shelters that might need them.

5. Use your old cushions as an insulator.

If you live in the colder part of the world, you do know the importance of insulation. Did you know that foam might be quite useful in insulation? You can wrap the foam pieces around pipes and bathtubs. You can use them in the attic or in the basement. You can even create some cute draft stoppers and place them next to your doors so that you can enjoy warmer home with no cold winter drafts.

6. DIY Toy Stuffing

If you have kids or pets, you know how quickly toys can lose their fluffiness. Instead of buying new stuffing, repurpose your old foam cushions. Shred the foam into small pieces and use it as stuffing for plush toys or pet beds. It’s a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to bring new life to their favorite playthings.

7. Camping Comfort

Enhance your camping experience by repurposing your old foam cushions into comfortable sleeping pads or mattress toppers. Simply cut the foam to fit your camping gear and cover it with durable fabric. Now you can enjoy a good night’s sleep under the stars without sacrificing comfort.

8. DIY Headboard

Give your bedroom a personalized touch by creating a DIY headboard from your old foam cushions. Arrange the foam pieces vertically or horizontally, depending on your desired design, and wrap them with fabric that complements your bedroom decor. It’s an affordable and stylish way to revamp your sleeping sanctuary.

9. Soundproofing Solutions

Do you have a noisy neighbor or a room that echoes? Repurpose your foam cushions to create effective soundproofing solutions. Attach the foam panels to walls, doors, or ceilings using adhesive or fabric-wrapped frames. Enjoy a quieter and more peaceful environment without breaking the bank.

10. Crafty Wall Art

Unleash your creativity and transform your old foam cushions into unique pieces of wall art. Cut the foam into various shapes and sizes, paint or cover them with fabric, and arrange them in visually appealing patterns. Whether you opt for a bold and abstract design or a whimsical arrangement, this DIY project will add texture and dimension to your walls.

There you have it – 10 creative ways to reuse your old foam cushions. Now you are ready to take your custom-made cotton-filled cushions and enjoy a healthier home.


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