The new and hopefully bright and shiny 2022 is just around the corner and it’s time to check out the design trends that according to experts will dominate the interiors. Pinks, greens, lots of plants, vintage, and a bit of Very Peri – the color of 2022! Here they are – the interior design trend predictions for the new year.
After so many months spent indoors, most of us started to truly cherish and understand the importance of natural light. Interior design experts are on the same page about that – natural lighting and excess of natural daylight will be huge in 2022. Homebuyers and new homeowners will definitely be paying attention if there is an abundance of natural light in their dream property.
In the past 2 years, our bedrooms have turned into home offices, classrooms, gyms, or all of these at the same time! Interior design gurus say it’s high time to give bedrooms their sleep sanctuary status back! In 2022 people will start prioritizing all that inspires good and healthy sleep – natural materials and colors, investment bedding, supportive bolster and throw pillows, and comfy Puder til hovedgærde!
Hey vintage lovers! 2022 will be a year to remember for you! It will be a celebration of everything that is one-of-a-kind, sustainable, and of heirloom quality! So, go big with upcycling your grandparents’ old furniture pieces. And if you need a custom-made cushion for that, we can give you a hand. Et voilà!

One of the pandemic home styling trends we love is bringing in as much nature as possible. Interior design experts are expecting to see even more of it in 2022! After all, plants are wellness! They purify the air and at the same time have a calming effect on the body, mind, and soul!

Together with the newly crowned Pantone color of the year – Very Peri, pink and green shades will be the crowd’s favorites in 2022. And there is a psychological explanation for that! The greens are soothing and signal safety to the brain, while the pink shades bring warmth and comfort. Isn’t that we all need right now?

And for all the rest, the Very Peri color brings a pinch of optimism, encouraging personal inventiveness and creativity.

The curves, popular back in the ’60s and ’70s, came back under the spotlights in 2021 and they are definitely here to stay! Speaking of comfort, what’s more comforting than some curvy shapes?

Ok, the style everyone is swooning over on Pinterest actually has a name and it’s Japandi! This is going to be one of the most prevailing interior design trends of the new year. What is Japandi? It’s a beautiful mixture of Scandinavian and Japanese interior design. Combining the best of both worlds, Japandi is minimalist, but it also brings a lot of natural elements and plants inside.

Cozy and dramatic fabrics that look both chick and luxurious will also be popular in 2022! We are talking velvet and boucle! So, watch out for velvet ottomans and sofas!
Hopefully, the sustainability trend will last for many more years to come! As for now, 2022 will empower us to make more sustainable and mindful choices! Consumers will be looking for responsible manufacturing and for sustainable and ethically-sourced materials. Think organic wool, økologisk bomuld, and organic fabrics like silk, linen, and bamboo.
Rumor has it that a bright and brave new year is about to begin!
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Vælg muligheder Dette produkt har flere varianter. Valgmulighederne kan vælges på produktsidenUS$3 – US$675
100% Økologisk bomuld, ubleget, klorfri / GOTS-certificeret
Vi udvælger omhyggeligt vores bomuld, og den er så ren som muligt uden kemikalier, farvestoffer, polymerer eller giftstoffer og skulle være velegnet til personer, der lider af Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) eller allergi.
Perfekt til at fylde puder, hynder, madrasser, dukker osv.
Tilberedningstid: 1-3 dage
Leveringstid: 1-4 uger
Send os en besked for at anmode om ekspresforsendelse.Vælg muligheder Dette produkt har flere varianter. Valgmulighederne kan vælges på produktsiden -
Vælg muligheder Dette produkt har flere varianter. Valgmulighederne kan vælges på produktsidenUS$738 – US$1,467
Puffer og Sækkestole kan tilføje et element af komfort og hygge til ethvert hjem, og især til et hjem med børn.
Fremstillet af Holdbare materialer af høj kvalitet og det reneste bomuldsfyldde er Allergivenlig, ekstremt åndbar, miljøvenligog giftfri.
Vælg mellem en bred vifte af stoffer, farver, størrelser, formerog finish for at skabe den puf, der supplerer dit hjems design og afspejler din unikke smag.
- 100% økologisk bomuld fyld indeni.
- Fremstillet på bestilling så det passer til dine præferencer.
- Naturligt alternativ til skum og syntetiske stoffer.
- Grænse eksponering for farlige VOC'er i dit hjem.
- Aftageligt betræk for nem vedligeholdelse.
- Alle Skatter og pligter er inkluderet.
STØRRELSE: 35 x 35 x 25" (89 x 89 x 63 cm)
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Vælg muligheder Dette produkt har flere varianter. Valgmulighederne kan vælges på produktsiden -
Vælg muligheder Dette produkt har flere varianter. Valgmulighederne kan vælges på produktsidenUS$594 – US$1,206
En Ekstra siddepladser, a Fodstøtteeller endda en Provisorisk bord. Vores skræddersyede ottomaner med bomuldsfyld gør bare arbejdet. Deres evne til at tilpasse sig forskellige roller gør dem til et must-have i ethvert hjem.
Fremstillet af Holdbare materialer af høj kvalitet og det reneste bomuldsfyldde er Allergivenlig, ekstremt åndbar, miljøvenligog giftfri.
Vælg mellem en bred vifte af stoffer, farverDu kan vælge mellem forskellige størrelser, former og overflader for at skabe den puf, der passer til dit hjem og afspejler din unikke smag.
- 100% økologisk bomuld fyld indeni.
- Fremstillet på bestilling så det passer til dine præferencer.
- Naturligt alternativ til skumpuder.
- Grænse eksponering for farlige VOC'er i dit hjem.
- Alle Skatter og pligter er inkluderet.
STØRRELSE: 27,5 x 27,5 x 12″ (70 x 70 x 30 cm.)
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Vælg muligheder Dette produkt har flere varianter. Valgmulighederne kan vælges på produktsiden
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