Have you set decluttering and organizing your home as a priority for the new year? Great! We have an idea of how you can become better at it. As much as we love New Year’s resolutions, we prefer to set clear and measurable goals especially when it comes to home organization. Believe it or not, an effective lobby or a practical mudroom is the key to an organized and tidy home. So, here’s the main goal: to create an efficient, organized, and decluttered hallway so that everything else in the house stays in order.

Entryway design by lavenderjulep.com
Photo credit: lavenderjulep.com

Step #1: Add storage options in the entryway area

Bags, totes, umbrellas, shoes, backpacks, raincoats, groceries, pet belongings – they all come to your home through the entryway and you’d better put them in order right there. An efficient entryway or mudroom will make your life easier and help you organize stuff before they turn into a hot mess all over the house. A comfortable bench with a storage area underneath will do miracles. And you can always add an entryway bench cushion and throw some pillows on top of it to make it more comfortable. Depending on the space you have available you can also opt for a small cabinet or just some shelves on the wall. With a piece of storage furniture on your side, you will be able to better organize your stuff.

Entryway Design: Murphy & Co. Design
Design: Murphy & Co. Design Photo Credit: Troy Theis via www.chairish.com

Step #2: Hang your belongings with hooks

The more hooks, the better. It’s just easier than using hangers on a rack. And the easier it is the more inclined you will be to hang your coats and jackets where they belong. That’s really essential if you have a child in the house.

Entryway Design: Liliane Hart Interiors Photo Credit: Carter Berg
Design: Liliane Hart Interiors Photo Credit: Carter Berg

Step #3: Use boxes, baskets, and labels

The bigger the family is, the more baskets and labels you will need. Assign a basket and add a label for each family member. Winter accessories such as gloves, scarves, and hats should better go in baskets with the owner’s name on them. Otherwise, it will always be just a messy pile of stuff on the entryway bench cushion. Same for shoes. Make sure that everybody at home knows exactly where their footwear and belongings are. Pets included. Do not forget to customize your entryway for their needs as well.

Entryway design by marinacabero.com
Photo credit: marinacabero.com

Step #4: Designate a drop station

Yup! That’s the place that will hold everything from your pockets that doesn’t belong anywhere else. Just add a box or a cute basket to have it all until you have the time to categorize it.

Entryway designed by Emily Henderson
Entryway designed by Emily Henderson

Step #5: Make it cozy and inviting by adding an entryway bench cushion

Nothing can be cozier than an entryway with a small seating area. After all the hallway is your chance to make a first good impression.  No matter whether it’s a bench, a chair, or just a pouf, make sure to have one so that you can always sit down take your shoes more comfortably and take a deep breath before going in or out.

The lobby is the transition area between our homes and the wide world outside so let’s seat it up and make it comfortable by adding a comfy entryway bench cushion.

Bomuldsbetrukket, ikke-tuftet bænkpude til entréen med bomuldsfyld

Looking for an entryway bench cushion?

  • Sædehynde i bomuld med aftageligt betræk
    Priser fra $207

    [et_button title="Configure & Buy" style="solid rounded" color="custom" align="center" color_custom="#F07D7D" text_color_custom="#ffffff" link="url:%23configurator"]

    Lav et statement med en siddepude, der afspejler din individualitet. Specialfremstillet med Holdbare materialer af høj kvalitet og Det reneste økologiske bomuldsfyld Indvendigt er vores puder hypoallergenisk, ekstremt åndbar, miljøvenligog giftfri.

    Hynde til vinduessæde, morgenmad eller Hynde til spisekrog, Bænkpudeeller Gulvpude - Du kan nu skabe det mest behagelige sted i din bolig.

    Vælg mellem en bred vifte af stoffer, farver, Størrelser, Former, rørføring, og Muligheder for tuftning for at skabe en siddehynde, der komplimenterer dit loungeområde og er klar til at passe til dit rum, på din måde.

    • 100% økologisk bomuld fyld indeni.
    • Fremstillet på bestilling så det passer til dine præferencer.
    • Aftageligt betræk for nem vedligeholdelse.
    • Naturligt alternativ til skumpuder.
    • Grænse eksponering for farlige VOC'er i dit hjem.
    • Gratis Reparationssæt inkluderet.
    • Alle Skatter og pligter er inkluderet.

    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686643893364-2bea4a71-813f"][vc_column_text]

    • Lynlås på bagsiden af omslaget.
    • Fladt design, ingen synlige totter.
    • Vaskbart yderbetræk med tuftet indsats i 100% økologisk bomuldsstof.
    • Indsæt med lynlåse på de to lange sider, så du nemt kan justere fyldet, hvis det er nødvendigt.


  • Tuftet bænkpude i bomuld med fyld af økologisk bomuldTuftede siddehynder i bomuld - grå
    Priser fra $173

    [et_button title="Configure & Buy" style="solid rounded" color="custom" align="center" color_custom="#F07D7D" text_color_custom="#ffffff" link="url:%23configurator"]

    Lav et statement med en siddepude, der afspejler din individualitet. Specialfremstillet med Holdbare materialer af høj kvalitet og Det reneste økologiske bomuldsfyld Indvendigt er vores puder hypoallergenisk, ekstremt åndbar, miljøvenligog giftfri.

    Hynde til vinduessæde, morgenmad eller Hynde til spisekrog, Bænkpudeeller Gulvpude - Du kan nu skabe det mest behagelige sted i din bolig.

    Vælg mellem en bred vifte af stoffer, farver, Størrelser, Former, rørføring, og Muligheder for tuftning for at skabe en siddehynde, der komplimenterer dit loungeområde og er klar til at passe til dit rum, på din måde.

    • 100% økologisk bomuld fyld indeni.
    • Fremstillet på bestilling så det passer til dine præferencer.
    • Naturligt alternativ til skumpuder.
    • Grænse eksponering for farlige VOC'er i dit hjem.
    • Gratis Reparationssæt inkluderet.
    • Alle Skatter og pligter er inkluderet.
    [vc_tta_accordion c_icon="chevron" active_section="0" collapsible_all="true"][vc_tta_section title="FEATURES" tab_id="1686644529642-d1c9b3df-cc77"][vc_column_text]Zipper on one of the long sides
    Tufting gennem hele puden for at forhindre bomuldsfyldet i at flytte sig[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion].

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